Wealth Creation – Six Ways To Get Out of Debt Starting Today!

Why are the simple things in life often the hardest and most challenging areas in our life?

Why do we complicate managing our money and miss becoming truly wealthy?

Is it because, we don’t spend the time learning and mastering these simple skills?

Or, is it because, we don’t care?

Are we becoming too impatient, greedy and want everything right NOW?

Or, have we not been given the knowledge, education and tools to know how to do this successfully?

So why would I bother to write another “how to” report on the subject of the basic principals on managing money?? Probably because, we are either not getting it or are not shown how simple it is to manage our hard earned money.

Sometimes I think we over complicate it and may seem all too hard, but it isn’t when you know how!

The six ways I illustrate on getting yourself out of debt are principals that have been around for over 6000 years.

Managing your money is easy, but requires some discipline like anything worth while in life. You have to learn to work money to your advantage, so that you can have more of it for the fun stuff in life, instead of the financial stress that more and more people are feeling at the moment.

The eReport “Six Ways to Get Out of Debt Starting Today”, is an easy read and if you follow the steps and process in this Report, you will definitely get yourself out of debt and start to have some real wealth behind you.

If you are looking for support and help then we can provide you with more tools to put you in autopilot in managing your money, until you learn the principals and start to create some good money habits.

For more information on your financial health and to learn how to increase your financial education, access some of the free tools available in the Wealth Starter section of this website http://wealthcreation888.com.au/wealth-starter or alternatively, you can contact us at info@wealthcreation888.com.au

6 simple truths that will put money back into your pocket and can save your health and relationships today!

Fact: We are a nation heading into severe financial hardship, some of you reading this may feel like you are already there.

Fact: We are also a nation of spenders, not savers.

Fact: We want everything today and are not prepared to save up for it; instead we would rather just put it onto our every growing credit card debt.

Fact: Most of us aren’t even able to pay the credit card off every month and can barely make the minimum monthly payment. I would also hazard a guess that many are using funds from one credit card to pay for the minimum monthly of another.

Fact: This obsessive compulsive spending is causing major financial stress for individuals and families and is seeing a rise in not only health issues, but in divorce for families today.

Fact: There should be a balance in a person’s life, but the reality today is this over spending on credit cards, out of control mortgage repayments and the increase in household debt is causing a lot of stress for families.

Think about this for a moment, if you are looking at a credit card balance of $5,000 (which seems to be the average these days) that has an interest rate of say18% and you are paying just the minimum payment per month, it would take over 20 years to pay down this debt. So that $40 dinner you just went out and enjoyed the other night will now cost you over $200 for privilege of using your credit card!

80% of us are doing things out of habit and do not really know how money works. We have to get back to basics again and learn to work your money to your advantage, not the banks or financial institutions.

There is a light at the end of this gloomy debt tunnel and it requires you to use a little common sense and discipline

These 6 simple tips that I am going to share with you are what you already know, but may not be applying them into your daily method of money management.

So let’s get into it……..

  1. Write down everything you spend throughout the week. This way you will actually see what you are spending and you may find that you are buying items that you don’t really need or want. (email me for a great budget tool to help you do this accurately).
  2. Learn how you can live on CASH through a planned spending system. Many people think that having a bunch of credit cards in their wallet means they have money to spend, when in fact they don’t they just have a lot of debt. Having cash in your wallet means you can negotiate better deals on certain items and retailers will gladly accept cash over credit any time.
  3. Learn how paying your bills via an automation process will save you 1,000’s of dollars. This will prioritise and rank the most efficient ways your debts are to be paid off, saving you the maximum amount of interest that will lead you to building wealth and equity in your name and not your bank or financial institution’s.
  4. The 10% rule. Save 10% of everything you earn. This known gem has been around for centuries and in fact, I remember my Grandmother sharing this money tip with me when I first started working. She said putting 10% away every pay packet will mean that you will always have money for “just in case”. I would go further on this wonderful piece of advice and say that there is something in the sub-conscious mind that when you have money stashed away for a “rainy day” you end up feeling like you are in abundance and somehow the universe just keeps giving you more. Putting away 10% for even the smallest amounts doesn’t take long to build a healthy wad of cash. (Email me for this FREE fantastic book “The richest man in Babylon” where this and several other simple wealth tips are revealed).
  5. Live within your means and don’t try and keep up with the Jones’s as they say, because at the end of the day following these tips will allow you to own your own home sooner and you may find that you can then afford to buy theirs!
  6. Start tapping into a financial education and knowledge program or utilise a financial coach that will keep you on track and help you achieve a stress free financial life.

By following these simple tips it forces you into good habits and teaches you better money management, resulting in less stress and a happy family.

Want to know more? Why not drop Karen a line at Karen@wealthcreation888.com.au and find out how you too can start to beat debt today!

Get the balance back in your life and you will have more fun, more enjoyment with family and friends and your business and/or work will become easier, because you now have past expenditures under control using these 6 simple principals.

How to become wealthy in economic uncertainty

Are you confident that your financial future is SECURE?

Have you been happy with the returns you’ve been getting on your investments?

Do you have a good handle on what’s been happening with the economy?

Do you have an inside line into the political and business landscape?

Unfortunately, most of you reading this cannot answer “YES” to any of the questions and if you were honest with me and yourself, you would probably say that most financial advisers can’t either.

Knowing how to make money and grow it exponentially is not complicated (Unless you or your adviser makes it so!). Yet many people have invested their hard earned dollars based on the advice of the “trusted” financial advisers who get paid commissions on their recommendations, or plunged years of earnings into superannuation, only to watch it whittle away or give pathetic returns because of so-called “economic downturns.

With ongoing poor investment returns, we are getting fed up with being told we should wait it out until the good times return.

Fact: Even people with little disposable income can become investors and turn small amounts into larger amounts with the right strategy.

As investors you may be accepting poor investment returns from advisers who are not accessing all investment opportunities available to you.

Being told to wait until the share market improves is not good enough.

You need to take back control and responsibility for your future and ask yourself are you confident about your financial Health?

There are 5 easy steps you can take to gain a better understanding of the economy, which will prepare you for navigating through the unexpected:

The 5 factors that govern most of our day to day financial lives!

  1. Get access to a regular economic and investment commentary to become better informed.
  2. Source this unbiased investment information from local and overseas experts in the field.
  3. Look for those experts who don’t sell investment products.
  4. Check whether there are any conflicts of interest when providing the advice, and
  5. Look at the success of those giving the advice – are they following their own advice?

How can you choose the right people to do this when you most probably don’t even know the questions to ask?

You need a trusted world leader who has a track record of helping EVERY investor to access an investment source that puts you with the Top Financial Minds available today.

For example: when gold was at $275 per ounce in 2002, our sources said the price had bottomed and in 2004 forecast the beginning of the “Gold Bull Run. Now look at gold prices!

Since that time, with pinpoint accuracy, our experts have said when, why – and how high – gold would go. They also accurately forecast the BIG real estate trends plus hundreds of other social, business, fashion, consumer and entertainment trends.

This investment source is forecasting that over the next 3 years we will see the largest transfer of wealth in history and that those that follow the “old paradigm” will be left in poverty, while those that learn the “secrets of the new paradigm” will become the Warren Buffets, Steve Jobs and Rockefellers of the future.

Why not take a few minutes to have a chat with Karen and see what all the fuss is about. It costs nothing, there is no “after chat follow ups” (unless you ask for them) and our conversation is held in the strictest confidence. To speak with Karen just email Karen@wealthcreation888.com.au and arrange a time that suites YOU.